July 2017 – Looking for a Job in K’town…..Please consider a flamingo!
- I am a a Buffalo Gal who came to K’ville via 10 years in LA. I have one of the most broad-ranging and sophisticated litigation paralegal careers in the country; I am an expert in eDiscovery from client, attorney and organizational standpoint. I have taught in University paralegal programs. I created and developed and cemented the career of Patent and Database Coordinator at UT. (UTRF). I have seminal accomplishments in my career that were ground-breaking in Boston and D.C.
- I cannot find a job in East TN…… – I cannot get my resume in front of potential employers because of the ‘agencies’. The ‘agencies’ have no idea how to represent talent…they have the mental flexibility of ….bureaucrats.
- I am going to documents my experience ‘in the market” for work that is not a waste of 30 years in the trenches.
- Stay tuned and please comment.
- I will be interviewing and writing an article. And posting. Please note in Comment “Not for publication/dissemination” somewhere in post – Thx. 🙂